guarantee n. 1.保证,担保。 2.保证人〔法律上用 guarantor〕。 3.接受保证的人。 4.抵押品,担保物。 offer one's house as a guarantee 以房屋作抵押。 stand guarantee for 做保人。 vt. 1.保证,担保。 2.〔口语〕包,管保。 I guarantee his success. 我包他成功。 be guaranteed against [from] loss 保证不受损失。 guarantee sb. against [from] a risk 保证某人不出危险。
Period of guarantee is the period within which the creditors perform the of ciaim towards the pricipal debtor ( general guarantee ) or ( joint guarantee ) 摘要保证期间是债权人向主债务人(一般保证)或者保证人(连带保证)行使请求权的期间,在性质上属于除斥期间。
The amount of such general guarantee shall be equivalent to the sum of storage , safekeeping and handling costs and expenses of such suspected infringing goods incurred in prior year after the intellectual property right owner applied to customs for such detainment ; or be rmb 200000 . 00 in the event that the right owner did not applied for such detainment or said sum was less than rmb 200000 . 00 in prior year 总担保的担保金额应相当于知识产权权利人上一年度向海关申请扣留侵权嫌疑货物后发生的仓储、保管和处置等费用之和;知识产权权利人上一年度未向海关申请扣留侵权嫌疑货物或者仓储处置费不足人民币20万元的,总担保的担保金额为人民币20万元。
The announcement provides that an intellectual property right owner requesting customs on more than one occasion to detain imported or exported goods suspected to infringe the proprietary trademark rights he has filed with general administration of customs may apply to the same administration for providing general guarantee for customs protection of his intellectual property rights 本公告明确,知识产权权利人在一定时间内根据《知识产权海关保护条例》第16条的规定多次向海关提出扣留涉嫌侵犯其已在海关总署备案商标专用权的进出口货物申请的,可以向海关总署申请提供知识产权海关保护总担保。